Why Video Scripts Matter for Finance

Video Scripts

Did you know that including a video on a landing page can increase conversion rates by 80%? Or that 92% of mobile video consumers share videos with others?

Video content now represents around 74% of all internet traffic so, if you’re a broker, bank or investment firm and you’re not using video then you could be missing out on a huge chunk of the money pie.

In this article, Contentworks Agency takes a look at why video scripts matter for finance and how you can make video work for your brand.

Why Use Videos For Finance?

When it comes to information, the financial markets are relentless. Each day, traders juggle economic data releases, market news stories and corporate earnings from around the world. Finance firms that are able to swiftly dissect that information and present it in a digestible format can generate greater traffic to their website and improve their social presence.

While articles are critical in conveying market moving events, dynamic content such as video is becoming equally important. With market participants inundated with news stories, video content is a refreshing take on the financial markets that can really help your brand stand out from the competition.

In addition to discussing the financial markets, video content can be a great way to share information about your company, your educational program and your people. Whether you’re selling a product or sharing information, video content must be written in a certain way to resonate with your audience. Videos that have an educational or storytelling element are best for influencing your target market.

Here’s one we wrote earlier with Token Target and trade.io:


Videos Require a Strong Script

Videos look great but they do require a strong script in order to be effective. You can have the best designer and video editor in the world but without the right message it will all be for nothing.

A great script will tell your story, sell your product and make difficult concepts easy to digest. With videos under five minutes in length accounting for 55% of total video consumption time on smartphones, your script needs to be compact. It needs to be powerful.

Isn’t Video Just For Companies With Huge Budgets?

We’ve all seen the big budget videos produced in the finance world. They invariably star celebrities, sporting heroes or investors and can cost millions to produce. These are great but is their ROI really any better than videos produced on a lower budget?

Nowadays, video content can be produced quickly and easily and streamed out through social media channels like YouTube, Twitter, Vimeo, Facebook Video, and Instagram.

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In an industry where content is king, having amazing writers to tell your story can mean the difference between partial views and a full view count.

Below, we’ll show you five ways you can use video content to grab viewers’ attention.

#1 “How To” Videos

One of the best uses of video is to show people how to do something. If you’re a finance company then of course you need to be careful about your compliance regulations so be sure to use a script writer who understands them. You can’t make a video on how to get rich but you can make a video showing traders how to make a trade, how to keep track of earnings or who made money last year and how they did it. Many FX companies have “How To” videos but they are 20 minutes long, super boring and not always that easy to follow… #FAIL.

Steal Their Style ⇩

Forex Factory has emerged as one of the most trusted sources for financial education. It has recently expanded into video by offering forex trading lessons.

FX Factory

#2 Promote Your Brand

Complementing your web posts and copy writing with video content can be a great way to boost your brand. If you’re a broker that offers great spreads then be sure to highlight it in a promotion. If you’re a service provider entering a new market, a short video promoting your expansion is a great way to gain traction. Promoting your brand successfully through video means really understanding your brand, highlighting your USPs and creating a memorable and impactful video.

Remember, promo videos are essentially a different form of copy. This means a marketing strategy, and a video script writer is essential.

Steal Their Style ⇩

FxPro has done a great job of promoting its brand on YouTube by announcing new product launches and commemorating its ten-year anniversary.

#3 Let Your Audience Get to Know You

Every company has a story. Use video to tell yours by talking about your vision and introducing the people who make your company great. Here’s the great part… these videos generally get the highest level of traction on social media because they are human stories and we love reading about and watching those. Human story telling could be about your brand culture, your employees, your charity contributions, your HR department or your corporate social responsibility. They add instant credibility to your brand by giving it a personal touch plus they are evergreen meaning they will last forever on your website and social media channels.

Steal Their Style ⇩

US-based Citibank keeps an active YouTube channel, which includes videos on the bank’s history as well as employee volunteer efforts.

#4 Provide Market Analysis

If you’re in the finance industry, your content arm is probably turning out lots of financial information in the form of news stories and market commentary. Don’t be afraid to get behind the screen from time to time to keep your social media followers engaged. Providing regular market analysis videos will require a slick internal marketing team because the markets are moving so fast. You will definitely need a video editor, analyst, writer and social media manager dedicated to churning out high quality material.

Steal Their Style ⇩

Dukascopy TV is rocking this scene by delivering high quality analysis videos and rich market insights on a regular basis. Check out their Twitter feed… it’s pretty awesome!


#5 Work With What You Got

One of the advantages of marketing in 2017 is how easy it is to make high quality videos without breaking the bank. Professional videos are great if you have the budget, but it isn’t necessary. Work with what you’ve got and make it fun and engaging for your audience. What matters is content and consistency. That’s why amazing storytelling helps.


Remember, your videos don’t have to just sit on your website or YouTube channel. You can easily integrate them into social media posts, newsletters, landing pages and other dynamic content channels that will encourage people to click through. In an industry where content is king, having amazing writers to tell your story is essential. In all the examples we talked about, a talented scriptwriter can mean the difference between a successful video marketing campaign and a zero views flop.

60% of marketers and small business owners said they plan to create videos this year but many of them don’t have a good script writer.

Are you looking for a financial video scriptwriter? Contentworks has top notch financial writers who have been in the game for many years. Contact us today for your next viral video scripts.


At Contentworks we always credit our sources. Thanks to the following sites for providing awesome information.

  • https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/video-marketing-statistics
  • https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/visual-content-marketing-strategy