Top 20 Women in Finance

As Contentworks is led by strong financially savvy ladies, we deemed it more than appropriate to give a rundown of the top 20 women in finance 2018.

The financial sector is being revolutionised not only by digital currencies, ICOs and innovative fintech solutions but by forward-thinking, powerful females that are at the forefront of many positive changes. Well-educated and determined women have infiltrated a somewhat male-dominated industry in style and are taking companies to brand new heights.

Forget the Spice Girls … here’s the top 20 women in finance.

  1. Stephanie Flanders @MyStephanomics

First on our top 20 women in finance list is the formidable Stephanie Flanders. With some 130,000 followers on Twitter, Stephanie Flanders is one of the leading females in finance. Former BBC Economics Editor and Chief Marketing Strategist for J.P Morgan Asset Management, Flanders now heads up Bloomberg Economics.

  1. Winnie Sun @WinnieSun

As an American financial advisor, speaker and founding partner of Sun Group Wealth Partners, Winnie Sun has extensive industry experience and is a top speaker at national industry events. She’s a regular contributor to Forbes and NerdWallet amongst others.

  1. Devie Mohan @devie_mohan

Devie Mohan is an influential writer, speaker and fintech commentator. She has been listed as a top 10 fintech influencer by several groups and is the founder and CEO of Burnmark, a fintech research company.

  1. Scarlett Sieber @ScarlettSieber

Passionate about fintech, women empowerment and start-ups, Scarlett Sieber is an inspirational speaker and a dedicated entrepreneur. As and experienced digital banking executive Scarlett Sieber has recently been named the new head of business development for USAA Labs.

  1. Liz Ann Sonders @LizAnnSonders

Chief Investment Strategist for leading investment services company Charles Schwab Corporation, Liz Ann Sonders focuses on the individual investor and handles everything from market and economic analysis to investor education.

  1. Duena Blomstrom @DuenaBlomstrom

Named one of the most influential women in fintech, Duena Blomstrom is a respected thought leader with an impressive LinkedIn and Twitter following. She’s the founder of the Emotional BankingTM organisational transformation method, Author of “Emotional BankingTM: Fixing Culture, Leveraging FinTech and Transforming Retail Banks into Brands.

  1. Tiffany Hayden @haydentiff

Community Manager at Edge – a blockchain wallet and security platform – Tiffany Hayden has advised professionals and organisations about blockchain’s capabilities and the different ways it’s being used. She’s one to watch if you’re into innovative technologies.

  1. Danielle Guzman @guzmand

With over 20 years of experience as an insurance marketer, Danielle Guzman is an expert in the financial services industry and was recently ranked #2 in the InsTech Power 100 leader board and #5 in the Women in Finance 100. Danielle was promoted to be the global head of social media and distributed content for @mercer. 

  1. Eileen Burbidge @eileentso

As the co-founder of Passion Capital – one of London’s top venture capital firms – Eileen Burbidge has had an exciting and fruitful career to date. Having worked for top companies such as Yahoo, Apple and Skype, she’s unafraid to push boundaries and often takes an unconventional approach to business.

  1. Lucy P. Marcus @lucymarcus

With close to 30,000 followers on Twitter, Lucy P. Marcus is the CEO of Marcus Venture Consulting, a professor at IE Business School, and a Reuters board member and leadership columnist. She is a regular contributor to Harvard Business Review, Bloomberg Business week, The Huffington Post and more.

  1. Tiff the Budgetnista @The Budgetnista

Founder of the LIVE RICHER Challenge designed to help women raise their net worth by decreasing their debt and increasing their assets in 22 days, Tiff the Budgetnista is a bestselling author and one of America’s most-popular financial educators.

  1. Sallie Krawcheck @SallieKrawcheck

Wholeheartedly determine to redefine investment opportunities for women; Sallie Krawcheck founded female-focused advisory firm Ellevest. As the former CFO at Citi and CEO of wealth management at Merrill Lynch, she has a wealth of financial experience.

  1. Michelle Singletary @SingletaryM

Washington Post Columnist and author of The 21 Day Financial Fast, Michelle Singletary has a very poignant mantra: “If debt were a person, I’d slap it.” Her personal finance column covers a wide range of financial-related topics and is syndicated to over 100 newspapers.

  1. Christine LaGarde @Lagarde

Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Christine LaGarde is highly influential within the finance sector working to bring economic discipline to a diverse group of countries including China, Russia and the UK.

  1. Gemma Godfrey @GCGodfrey

With over 54,000 followers on Twitter, Gemma Godfrey is the founder of UK online investment service Moola and was hired as Arnold Schwarzenegger’s adviser on the US edition of “The Apprentice” in 2016.

  1. Alexa von Tobel @alexavontobel

As the founder/CEO of LearnVest – an American financial planning company which encourages people to take control of their finances – Alexa von Tobel stands out within the finance industry for her vivacious personality and determination.

  1. Lydia Idem Finkley @faithmight

Investment Advisor at FM Capital Group, Lydia Idem Finkley has extensive trading and investment knowledge which she regularly shares with her 20+ Twitter followers.

  1. Stephanie Kelton @StephanieKelton

A well-known policy expert, Stephanie Kelton has served as Chief Economist of the US Senate Budget Committee and as Senior Economic Advisor to the presidential campaign of Senator Bernie Sanders. She’s currently the Professor of Public Policy and Economics at Stony Brook University.

  1. Pippa Malmgren @DrPippaM

A former member of the US President’s Working Group on Financial Markets, Pippa Malmgren is an American policy analyst and founder of the DRPM Group. She’s also the co-founder of H Robotics.

  1. Betsey Stevenson @BetseyStevenson

Last but definitely not least in our top 20 women in finance edition is former member of the President’s Council of Economic Advisers and Chief Economist at Labor, Betsey Stevenson is an active Twitter user regularly sharing the latest industry news and updates.

To all these ladies and the millions we missed- you’re awesome! Loved this article?  Why not also take a look at our top 20 Fintech influencers list.