
Cool Crypto Hashtags to Stay On Trend

Blockchain and crypto assets were only for the super techy not so long ago. But now they’ve filtered into the mainstream followed by a whole load of social media hashtags. The right hashtags not only help to organise and sort tweets but they also show your post is relevant to a specific theme or topic. Hashtags get your content in front of interested audiences. They’re small but powerful, so here’s a selection of cool crypto hashtags to stay on trend.

But first a few facts – just so you take this whole hashtag thing seriously:

  • Tweets with at least one hashtag receive 12.6% more engagement than those without them.
  • Tweets than include hashtags are 33% more likely to be re-tweeted.
  • 15% of Twitter users unfollow a business within 3 weeks if they don’t make a strong effort to engage early. That means plenty of posts and hashtag research!

#1 Crypto Hashtags – The Basics

These are crypto hashtags that seem obvious but help to give your tweets relevance. So, here it goes:

  • #cryptocurrency
  • #cryptocurrencies
  • #crypto
  • #currency
  • #cryptocurrencynews
  • #cryptotrading
  • #cryptoexchange
  • #cryptotoken
  • #digitalassets
  • #altcoin
  • #alt
  • #trading
  • #investor
  • #market
  • #mining
  • #coin
  • #technology
  • #blockchain
  • #innovation
  • #ico
  • #portfolio
  • #proofofwork #pow
  • #proofofstake #pos
  • #publickey
  • #privatekey
  • #airdrop
  • #success
  • #smartcontract
  • #wallet
  • #hardfork
  • #softfork
  • #dapps

#2 Crypto Hashtags- Specific Currencies

When talking about a specific cryptocurrency or the movement of a currency pair within the sector, you can use the following. Note, fiat/crypto pairs especially fiat/Bitcoin pairs are offered on most exchanges meaning you can buy or sell the assets against each other.

  • #Bitcoin #BTC
  • #BitcoinCash # BCH
  • #Ripple #XRP
  • #Monero #XMR
  • #Litecoin #LTC
  • #Ethereum #ETH
  • #Zcash #ZEC
  • #DASH
  • #NEO
  • #Cardano
  • #EOS
  • #Stellar
  • #USD
  • #GBP
  • #EUR
  • #tradingpair
  • #fiattocrypto

#3 Crypto Hashtags – Market Movers

Many factors can cause volatility within the crypto world such as news, regulatory updates, excitement, and competition. As well as stories of hacks and scams and the movements of Bitcoin whales. All these elements affect industry sentiment and have a knock-on effect on prices. When the Chinese authorities banned ICOs in 2017, for instance, the price of Bitcoin collapsed from $5000 to $3000.

Market moving crypto hashtags include:

  • #Trump – his Twitter rants often affect the value of the USD
  • #Brexit
  • #Bitcoinwhales
  • #CryptoRegulation
  • #CryptoRuling

#4 Crypto Hashtags – Information Resources

Want to find out more about the crypto sector and join in trending topics? Then the following crypto hashtags will come in useful:

  • #CoinMarketCap
  • #CryptoPanic
  • #CryptoCompare
  • #CryptoAnswers
  • #BitcoinMagazine
  • #BitcoinNewsCom
  • #blockchaindaily

Social media is a great way to keep up with the latest news and trends. It’s also ideal for developing and engaging your own social community across multiple platforms. If you need help with your content strategy, contact the Contentworks team today. We’ve worked with leading blockchain, ICO and crypto brands and know how to create relevant, engaging content tailored to your audience.