Why Contentworks for Tech Entrepreneurs

Startups and entrepreneurs in the tech industry often look to cut costs in the pursuit of building a new and exciting venture. One of the most commonly cut costs is content marketing. Many tech entrepreneurs underestimate the importance of content marketing and therefore either write their own or ignore it completely.  In this article Contentworks, the leading content marketing agency, takes a look at why tech entrepreneurs need skilled writers and how it can benefit their business.

Content marketing is a $200+ billion dollar industry and there are no signs of decline. For modern tech entrepreneurs to succeed, they must learn to embrace and advance this marketing method.

These days, it’s impossible to launch a company without some written content. Even if you’re a tech entrepreneur launching a product from your basement or garage it’s a must. Website content, blogs, case studies, testimonials, social media pages, Slideshares and company presentations all require one thing. A skilled content marketer.

Here’s three reasons why.

#1 Tech Entrepreneurs Need More Time

Often tech entrepreneurs approach Contentworks when it’s all got out of control. They need their time back to have important meetings, work on the development of their product and raise funds and suddenly there’s all this content! Content marketing is not something that can be completed in a day and then popped neatly on a shelf, it’s constant. For busy tech entrepreneurs, this can be a real distraction. A real commitment to content marketing requires everyday action, an investment that tech entrepreneurs simply cannot afford.

#2 Tech Entrepreneurs Should Invest in Content

The financial side of content marketing is a double-edged sword. Yes, you will need to pay someone to provide high quality content marketing but on the other hand it will generate the results you need to move forward. Whether you are looking to increase your web traffic, create a PR buzz, increase leads, network with investors or raise funds through video storytelling; content marketing is the way to achieve your goals. On this note it is worth mentioning that great content marketing isn’t cheap. Hiring a freelancer for $5 to write your website content will earn you exactly what you paid. Nothing.

#3 Tech Entrepreneurs Can Hire Creativity

As a tech entrepreneur, you’re certainly creative but it’s a different skillset from content marketing. Your creativity comes into play when you are designing fundamentals, writing specs, coding HTML and testing, testing, testing your product. Content marketing creativity requires excellent literary skills, a knowledge of the digital marketing arena and the ability to transform difficult technical ideas into exciting buyable solutions that consumers really need. Writing about your company may seem really easy but many tech entrepreneurs struggle with being consistently creative. Daily blog posts, exciting press releases and engaging social media updates over months and years will require professional content marketing assistance.

Tech Entrepreneurs love Contentworks because our handy, cost effective content marketing packages leave them free to do what they do best. Develop Awesome Products. Chat to the Contentworks team now about our Entrepreneur solution.


At Contentworks we always credit our sources. Thanks to the following sites for providing awesome information.

  • https://www.marketingmag.com.au/hub-categories/brand-management/
  • https://www.bcgperspectives.com/content/articles/innovation-strategy-how-tech-entrepreneurs-are-disrupting-philanthropy/