Why Outsourcing Works For Financial Services

Outsourcing was, at one point, typically viewed as something only start-up companies did. Big financial services brands surely don’t need to outsource their work to external teams or agencies. Well… actually… wrong.

At Contentworks we have seen a huge upsurge in the demand for outsourced content marketing from the biggest global forex and financial services brands.  It’s estimated that the global online workforce generates between $1 and $2 billion annually. Not convinced? Here’s why.

#1 Cost savings

Cost is the number one reason that financial services companies choose to outsource to agencies like Contentworks. Using a remote agency for your content marketing will save you money in all of the following areas:

  1. Office Space/ Equipment/ Utility Bills… even coffee!
  2. Employee benefits such as social insurance/medical/paid holidays/provident funds and retirement plans
  3. Additional team members for content marketing roles
  4. The ability to easily downscale without redundancies or pay-outs
  5. Getting top remote professionals for reduced costs

According to Forbes, Aetna cut 2.7 million square feet of office space and saved $78 million by using remote staff. American Express reported annual savings of $10-15 million thanks to its remote operations. Researchers at Harvard and Princeton also reported that remote workers and agencies happily accept 8% lower pay. These are number that matter to Financial Services CMOs.

#2 Improved Productivity

The idea that remote agencies are not productive is an old school one which doesn’t reflect how the biggest finance and tech companies are thinking.  The truth is, independent agencies like Contentworks offer super high levels of productivity and the data backs it up.

  • It’s estimated that 300,000 US positions are outsourced annually
  • 61%of workers state that noise is a big office distraction
  • 40% consider impromptu meetings a big block on productivity

Jason Fried gave a killer TED talk on this whole idea called Why Work Doesn’t Happen at Work. If you have a few extra minutes check it out.

Productivity is essential for your financial services brand. If your writer can’t concentrate or is bombarded with internal tasks, then how can he or she produce copy that sells?

#3 Access to awesome talent

You want the best talent for your financial services brand and this probably won’t come from one office based employee. At Contentworks, our team includes various talented professionals from the financial services industry. These include writers, analysts, social media managers and campaign strategists. Plus, we also offer localised writing in a variety of languages.

The great thing about outsourcing to a content marketing agency specialising in finance is that you can access very specific industry skills. Here are some of the subcategory skills within our writing team alone:

  • Technical Analysis
  • Fundamental Analysis
  • Sentimental Analysis
  • Blog Articles
  • Campaign content
  • Review content
  • eBook writers

From our experience, forex and finance companies are excited about agency outsourcing for this exact reason. They get the pick of the best industry talent, in one easy, on budget place.

Enquire about our Rockstar solution which is specifically designed for the financial services industry. You can also chat with our team to learn more about outsourcing your content marketing to Contentworks.


At Contentworks we always credit our sources. Thanks to the following sites for providing awesome information.

