Financial Services Marketers – Are You Ready for Q2?

Who said being a financial services marketer was easy? There are plenty of challenges ahead in Q2 for financial services marketers and whilst it’s essential to get your head around the ever-changing landscape there’s no need to have a melodramatic meltdown just yet – unless you really want to.

To help you navigate the upcoming months with composure, let’s find out what to expect from Q2.

Ad blocks, ad blocks and perhaps more ad blocks

Sooner or later, crypto/ICO was going to be regulated in some way and the first moves have come from social giants Facebook and now Google. Both are banning ads that promote cryptocurrencies, ICOs, exchanges, wallets and other “financial products and services” which are often associated with misleading or dodgy promotional practices. We know there are many legitimate ICOs out there but these rules are not going to change any time soon and while Facebook has already clamped down, Google will officially update their financial services policy in June. Don’t be surprised if Twitter, YouTube and other social sites jump on the bandwagon too.

So what does this mean for financial services marketing? Well, essentially you’ll need to be:

  • Compliant – don’t break the rules or you risk your accounts being blocked (and that’s a pain)
  • On the ball – news changes rapidly within the finance sector, so you must be on the ball
  • Clever – think of other marketing tactics: white papers, pitch decks, SEO blogging…
  • Determined – you’re dealing with MiFID II so you can deal with this too.

MiFID II: A Whole Lot of Rules and Regulations

Speaking of the wide-reaching regulations that are MiFID II – how’s that going? If you’ve got your head around the updates and revamped your business model accordingly, you’re doing well. Remember, these rules are not going away and will continue to nip at your heels throughout Q2.

Indeed, as the year progresses financial services marketers will probably feel the full force of MiFID II – after all, it impacts a wide range of business practices. But you’ve done the hard bit by embracing change. All you can do now is remain compliant and be sure you know how marketing differs under MiFID II.

Competition: Who’s That Biting at my Heels?

Your competitors are getting clever – so don’t slacken the reins. As more and more ICOs crop up throughout Q2, financial services marketers must work hard to create innovative marketing strategies that will help you to stand out from the crowd. Generic marketing speak just won’t do. It’s not interesting or engaging. Remember, you’re trying to attract investors – and therefore you need to showcase your USPs.

An ICO doesn’t necessarily need Facebook marketing or Google advertising platforms to succeed. It does, however, need high-quality content. Content marketing is of paramount importance, so financial services marketers, get your strategy in place and think about incorporating:

  • A white paper
  • A pitch deck
  • YouTube videos
  • Live content
  • LinkedIn posts
  • SEO blogs
  • Engaging website copy

Speak to the Contentworks team today about your financial services content marketing, we offer a wide range of services specifically tailored to the financial sector and also, you know, we’re nice!