
Contentworks Ready For The iFXEXPO

We’re a social bunch here at Contentworks. We love talking to clients, meeting new people and delving deeper into the fascinating finance sector which is why we’re thrilled to be attending the upcoming iFXEXPO which take place in Limassol, Cyprus, from 22-24 May 2018.

The EXPO is the island’s biggest financial networking event of the year attracting thought-leaders from across the globe and ties in nicely with our first birthday which falls on the 15th May 2018.

To celebrate our big birthday milestone (yes we are just a little overexcited), we’ll be handing out scrumptious branded cookies, so why not come along and enjoy the sugary goodness? We may have already ‘taste tested’ one or two ourselves and trust us – they’re good.

But what’s the EXPO all about and why is it always such as big hit? Let’s find out.

Exceptional networking opportunities

Trusted by over 1,000 brands as the top financial event to exhibit at, the iFX EXPO is one of the largest financial networking events in the world bringing businesses together on a one-to-one basis. The event has a solid track history with over 50,000 business deals being made over 10+ shows.

Panel of speakers including our Creative Director Charlotte Day

The EXPO gives attendees the opportunity to connect with influencers, service providers and innovators from within the finance sector and offers unique insights from some of the industry’s leading specialists. On that note, we’re thrilled to share that Contentworks’ very own Creative Director, Charlotte Day, will join an esteemed Panel of Speakers in Speaker’s Hall to discuss some of the hottest topics of the year.

Up-to-date insights on all the latest industry news

With so much going on in the finance sector at the moment from crypto/ICO ad bans to the updated General Protection Data Regulation (GDPR) (which will come into play just after the EXPO on the 25th May 2018), the talks are sure to offer useful takeaways for attendees. And let’s not forget MiFID II and ESMA. The new regulations continue to nip at the heels of financial services providers (and will do for a long time) but EXPO thought-leaders will strive to make sense of it all and spell out those often mind-boggling acronyms in clear terms.

Unique locations and well-arranged parties

While the EXPO will cover a host of serious topics, there’s also plenty of fun to be had with the Welcome Party sponsored by Limassol-based CFD, FX and crypto platform provider, O-SYSTEMS. What’s more, the Official iFX EXPO Night Party will be held on 23 May from 9pm until late at Guaba Beach Bar giving you the opportunity to take your networking to a less formal and wonderfully unique club environment. This will be brought to you by Impact Tech Ltd.

What do we want to gain from the iFXEXPO?

With exhibitors, service providers and some of the industry’s most-knowledgeable minds gathered in the same place, the EXPO provides the perfect opportunity to create new business relationships – something Contentworks is passionate about. It’s also a great chance for us to meet and chat with existing clients and share our future goals and missions with interested parties.

We’ll attend with an open mind, ready to learn, pick up tips and gain deeper knowledge of an industry we already know and love. Brokers, financial services providers, please speak to the Contentworks crew in advance to arrange an iFXEXPO meeting – we’d love to connect with you. And don’t forget to look out for Charlotte who will be sharing her knowledge in Speaker’s Hall on day two.

We look forward to seeing you there!