Contentworks Agency Attends FinanceFeeds Cup

On Thursday September 21st 2017, the Contentworks team attended the latest FinanceFeeds Cup, a high-level networking event for industry leaders. This year, the Limassol Yacht Club provided an elegant backdrop to some exciting conversations between brokers, suppliers and agents within the retail and institutional FX industry.

The FinanceFeeds Cup events are an internationally renowned benchmark of excellence for senior executives in the electronic trading industry. With a focus on vital strategic networking and the latest discussions surrounding cryptocurrencies, this was an unmissable event for our team.

Sponsored by GBE Prime and Shift Forex, the event was an excellent opportunity for the Contentworks team to get the lowdown on the latest developments within the cryptocurrency sector, the next big trend to hit the financial services industry. As an agency at the heart of financial services content marketing, it is essential to remain up to date with the latest news. Of course, if that news is absorbed over some delicious hors d’oeuvres

and champagne then it is even more enjoyable!

Watch Highlights from the FinanceFeeds Cup below


The Contentworks team were please to catch up with FinanceFeeds CEO Andrew Saks-Mcleod who stated:

“FinanceFeeds operates the Cup series of FX industry networking events in three major centers for different aspects and sectors of the entire ecosystem, those being London, Limassol and Sydney. During the maturity of the Cyprus Cup as an established fixture among annual events for the senior level within FX, it is clear that Cyprus is becoming increasingly refined as a major center for the entire industry.

There has been a distinct evolution, which is clear from those attending the event, in that nowadays, companies in Cyprus represent every area from platform technology to liquidity management, to trade reporting to major global repositories such as CME, and with a wide range of CRM and bespoke, broker-specific solutions to empower the entire global business. It is really a great achievement in a relatively short space of time”

Massive Contentworks thanks to FinanceFeeds and the sponsors for another excellent event. Here’s to many more in the future.