#AskCW – Let’s Talk About Marketing Cryptocurrencies

Those of you following our #AskCW series on Facebook will know that the Contentworks team has been busy answering your content marketing and social media questions via video. With the finance and trading world in a spin about crypto and the Contentworks elves working double time to produce high quality cryptocurrency content, we thought we would turn it into a video. You have been busy asking questions on our social media channels so, in case you missed it, here’s this week’s #askcw – let’s talk about marketing cryptocurrencies!

Q #AskCW Do the same regulations apply to marketing cryptocurrencies as to forex? – Crypto Affiliate- Twitter

Yes they do- sorry! When you’re writing about cryptocurrencies, you can’t just say whatever you like, especially if you are a regulated broker or investment house. Regulatory bodies such as CySEC, the FCA, MiFID and FSA are carefully monitoring the content produced by all financial organisations and will be happy to land you with a big fine if you break the rules.

If you’re writing content for crypto then you should familiarise yourself with the rules. Being compliant means disclosing all the facts when you are writing, never making guarantees and always balancing the pros with the cons. For example, saying that a client’s profits will be €10,000 per year through trading crypto is wrong on so many levels and yet we have seen this written! Instead, you should be writing that whilst trading profits have historically been great, losses can be too and there are no guarantees for traders. If you want to brag about crypto then you should cite historic wins as opposed to promising future ones.

Q #AskCW is it risky to market a product which is still surrounded by a lot of uncertainty? Deema Osman – Facebook

 That’s an excellent question and one which a lot of CEOs and Risk Managers are asking right now! As a highly volatile product- crypto is a bit of a risk management nightmare, just imagine if all your traders went long and the price leapt up? That said, when forex trading first began, the same worries existed. In fact, even recently when the Swiss National Bank (SNB) uncapped the CHF – tons of brokerages came unstuck, traders lost money and lessons were learnt. To stay ahead of the game, you need to be bold and with that comes an element of risk but it should be a calculated risk. Your risk management team should be on top of it, your sales team trained and your marketers fully understanding the products and maintaining compliance.

Q #AskCW Is Cryptocurrency a product that brokers actually understand? Steve – Facebook

Although crypto has been around for over 5 years, it has crept up on the FX and investment sectors in the last 6 months. That has meant a mad scramble to launch cryptocurrency products that are perhaps not fully understood. Cryptocurrencies are shiny new and exciting and it can be tempting to launch a range without actually understanding them.  Writers within the FX industry face a number of tough challenges on a daily basis and having to market crypto is just another of them. Mainly, more jargon to understand! A good writer needs to not only understand the definition of all complex terms, but must also communicate trickier concepts in a readable way. The other issue is that your clients are expecting you to have the answers. They want education and you’re the expert! If your team don’t fully understand crypto then how can you educate others? As with all trading products, it’s not necessarily the one that reaches the finish line first that’s the winner. It’s the broker who offers the best terms, education and support.

Q #AskCW How can I make my cryptocurrency offering stand out from the crowd? Marios- email

Great content marketing requires a great strategy and that’s something that a lot of brokers just don’t have. Your strategy should feature well researched keywords, social media integration, blogging and PR. If you’re just respinning the same content as everyone else then do you really expect exceptional results? At Contentworks, we are working with our clients to provide unique content that looks at the real challenges faced by traders. We are providing video scripts, stories and social media contests which grab attention and keep it.

That’s all the questions we have time for today so we hope you found our marketing cryptocurrency feature useful. Be sure to get in touch with the Contentworks team for more information or to receive a quotation.