
Meet The Founders

Founded by industry thought leaders, Contentworks Agency is fuelled by expertise and creativity. Our core content marketing team boasts members with extensive senior management experience in the finance, PR and marketing spaces. We’re also humans who love to travel, learn, meet new people and enjoy the fun things in life.

Charlotte Day

Creative Director

Born in Berkshire England, Charlotte studied English & Publishing at Oxford Brookes university. Published in 1000 + online sites, Charlotte is a thought leader in the content and social media marketing space. She is also a prominent speaker and panellist at top tier marketing and finance events, podcasts and webinars.

During her 20+ years’ experience in the financial services marketing sector, Charlotte deepened her knowledge of regulatory procedures, compliance, legal and the logistics of trading and investing. Working with leading finance brands, Charlotte has extensive expertise in PR and crisis management with a particular flex for the fast-paced social media space. At Contentworks Agency, Charlotte creates communication strategies for our clients, plans creative campaigns and obsesses over TikTok trends, especially those involving food.


Charlotte spent two years writing in the Italian mountains and is obsessed with Italian ice cream. She has a one-eyed cat named Pie who often makes appearances on Zoom.


Charlotte is a great fit for advanced level marketing panels, training, podcasts and webinars especially those with a focus on communication, PR and social media management. Special consideration will also be given to charities and NGOs.

Niki Nikolaou

Business Director

Niki is all about contrasts. Born in Cyprus she moved to New Zealand in her early years where she studied Psychology, and Theatre & Film at university. She went on to carve out a successful career as a theatre producer managing large-scale festivals and heading up the biggest theatre in the country. In her mid-30s she repatriated to her homeland where she did a complete 180 and entered the world of finance. She began as a writer in marketing departments but her understanding of both the technical sides of the markets and how to communicate them effectively to different audiences saw her heading up marcomms teams at leading financial brands in Europe. Communications and PR became her new stage.

As founder and director at Contentworks Agency, Niki leads on client communication strategies and branding for startups through to blue chips. Niki is often invited to join panels as a speaker or moderator on topics related to financial services marketing.


Continuing with the theme of contrasts, Niki is an avid fan of both arthouse cinema, and cheesy blockbuster films. She is often heard muttering around the office “It’s not about the vehicle, but how you drive it”.


Niki is a great choice for internal communications training, seminars and workshops. Additionally for financial services panels looking for advanced marketers with extensive hands-on knowledge.

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